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           Your Giving Matters

Maintaining our church buildings and supporting the ministry of the church

In the UK the church does not receive government or council money, so church members' giving is what pays for our minister and other ministry costs, and for the upkeep of our historic church buildings.

We want to thank all those who continue to give at this time of crisis. Although some of the obvious functions of church have changed, church is still alive as we seek to be faithful to God, to pray and to witness. The costs of running church remain and our vision grows. Please keep giving.

The Church of England has produced a leaflet Giving For Life providing guidance for its members about giving. There is no 'right' amount to contribute: each of us gives what we feel called by God to give.

Please support your local church financially and help it to stay open for you for those occasions and life events when you turn to church.

Giving: Video

God is Good! 'God so loved the world that he gave...!


                  STANDING ORDER


Thank you if you usually give by cash or cheque when you attend church. You may like to consider paying by standing order. This will help you to support the church regualrly including those occasions when you aren't able to come to church.

We are incredibly grateful for any donations we receive towards the upkeep and minisrty of the churches in Dassett Manga. 

To set up a Standing Order for your church please use the following details:

Burton Dassett Parochial Church Council

Sort Code: 55 -70-33

Account no.: 28544420

Fenny Compton PCC

Sort Code: 40-09-02

Account no.: 31092340

Farnborough PCC

Sort Code: 30-90-42

Account no.: 00676940

Gaydon & Chadshunt Parochial Church Council

Sort Code: 40-43-19

Account no.: 71266225

PLEASE REFERENCE: Your first name and Surname

Giving: Join Us


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The Parish Giving Scheme is the most efficient and safe way to give regularly. It is used by many parishes in the UK and helps our treasurer since any Gift Aid is added before it goes into the church bank account.

For more information about the Parish Giving Scheme click below or contact the Church Treasurer.



For UK taxpayers, we are able to reclaim 25p for every £1 given, at no extra cost to you. To allow us to claim Gift Aid on your behalf, Please complete the declaration for below.

'…in a severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part. For they gave according to their means, as I can testify, and beyond their means’  2 Cor 8:2

Giving: Join Us
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