Avon Dassett with Fenny Compton, Burton Dassett, Farnborough, Gaydon with Chadshunt
Gaydon with Chadshunt
Parish of Gaydon with Chadshunt; has two churches St. Giles at Gaydon and All Saints Church in Chadshunt which is maintained by the Churches Conservation Trust with the parish remaining responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the graveyard.
There are about 200 dwellings in the parish, 28 being in Chadshunt and the community amenities consist of a Village Hall, a Community Shop and a Pub.

St. Giles
St Giles,
Church Road,
There is no car park. Please use off road parking.
Church Services
Sunday Services start at 9.30am
1st Sunday
Morning Prayer
2nd Sunday
Holy Communion
Traditional Language Book of Common Prayer
3rd Sunday
Morning Prayer
4th Sunday
Holy Communion - Modern language

Gaydon Coffee Morning
2nd Saturday of the month at 11am
A monthly coffee morning held in the village hall enables people to meet and catch up and raises some funds for the church.
Gaydon Voices
Made up of people from the local area
We sing for festival church services, weddings and other choral events across the Dassett Magna Group of Parishes.
Choir practice: when preparing for an event
Monday evening 7.45pm
at St. Giles church, Gaydon
If you would like to join, meet us at a choir practice or simply know more about us please click the link below to send an email to our choir master Alastair Hotchkiss.
Church Volunteers
Church Wardens
Mr Alastair Hotchkiss
The churchwarden is an annually elected member of the church community - congregation. They are work with the parish priest and are generally responsible for the day-to-day functioning of the parish.
Safeguarding Officer
Name: Mrs Jo Hotchkiss
Email: jo.hotchkiss@gmail.com
Name: Reverend Nicki Chatterton
Role: Vicar to Dassett Magna Parishes
Email: chat2rev.nicki@gmail.com
Name: Sarah Price
Role: Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor
Tel: 07906 627052
Email: safeguarding@covcofe.org
Local Authority Social Services
Coventry - 024 7683 2222
Gaydon PCC
- Parochial Church Council -
The Parochial Church Council, is the governing body of the church and is made up of the clergy and lay members from the congregation. They work together with the priest and church warden to ensure the smooth running of the church.

All Saints'
A church on the edge of a battlefield
In its circle of trees, overlooking the Civil War battle site of Edge Hill, this church is approached up steps from the Kineton to Southam road. It is especially lovely in late spring when the primroses are blooming in the churchyard.
The building appears long, low and massive, the result of extensions over the centuries. The eastern end of the nave is from the twelfth century, the westward extension fourteenthth, the clerestory was added in the fifteenth, the charming tower in the seventeenth and the present chancel was built about 1730, when a north transept was added over a burial vault.
The transept chapel has three windows glazed with lovely sixteenth-century Italian glass. The few monuments are of good quality.
Church Services
There are occasional services held at All Saints' church and we have also had weddings here, but there is no regular service pattern.
Any planned services will be posted here as and when they are planned.
For the regular pattern of church services within the Parish please see the service rota for Fenny Compton above. Alternatively for services held in all the Dassett Magna churches please click the link below.

St. Giles