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The Parish of Farnborough; with St. Botolph church is the smallest of the individual parishes within the group, with a population of approximately 300. As well as the church and Farnborough Hall - the National Trust property, Farnborough has a village hall, a pub, and a garden centre. While many in Farnborough do not attend the church regularly, there remains great support from the wider community for its maintenance and upkeep

Farnborough: Welcome

St. Botolph


Farnborough: Welcome


St. Botolph Church,

Main St.


OX17 1DZ


There is a small car park inferno of the church.

Church Services

1st Sunday 10am

Holy Communion - Modern Language


2nd Sunday 6pm

Evening Prayer


3rd Sunday 10am

Holy Communion

Traditional Language Book of Common Prayer


4th Sunday 10am

Morning Prayer

Farnborough: Join Us

Church Volunteers

Church Wardens

Mrs Fiona Russell-Perry

The churchwarden is an annually elected member of the church community - congregation. They are work with the parish priest and are generally responsible for the day-to-day functioning of the parish.

Safeguarding Officer

Mrs Jo Hotchkiss


Safeguarding Congregation Link

Name: Mrs Fiona Russell-Perry



Name: Reverend Nicki Chatterton

Role:   Vicar to Dassett Magna Parishes


Name: Sarah Price    

Role:   Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor

Tel:       07906 627052     


     Local Authority Social Services

    Coventry - 024 7683 2222

Farnborough PCC

- Parochial Church Council -

The Parochial Church Council, is the governing body of the church and is made up of the clergy and lay members from the congregation. They work together with the priest and church warden to ensure the smooth running of the church.

Farnborough: Join Us
Farnborough: Join Us
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